Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thirty Days of Prayers From The Psalms

Why do I pray?
 Because prayer releases God’s power on earth. It is a mighty weapon given to me and you for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). Our desire to pray never begins without an initial sense of need, a stirring of our heart brought on by God to discover His will and reflect His mind. It is an ongoing intimate flow of love between the Father and His child.The more I pray, the closer I grow to God and His desires of the heart become mine.
Praying also gives me a sense of comfort and peace in knowing my problems are in the hands of the only One who has control.
 How do I pray?
 Sometimes I don’t have the words to say, my heart is too heavy, my mind is too overloaded. When this happens, there is never a better place to start than with praying God’s Word, falling back on his truths. I can lean on his words when I have none of my own.
Jesus says “So I say to you; ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Luke 11:9-10).
This scripture clearly tells me God gives freely, without fail, to every child  who asks. But prayer is not just about asking; it is about seeking: seeking God, the most important relationship you and I will ever have. “To him who knocks, the door will be opened”. Knocking is a repeated action, not a onetime thing. With every desire of the heart, we need the repeated act of knocking. Then we must learn to listen. Conversation with God is not one-way. He has something to say to us, and we discover it when we learn to listen and read his holy word.
I have written Thirty Days of Prayers From The Psalms  and would like to share it with you on my blog. It reveals the emotions expressed throughout the book of Psalms. Every emotion of man can be found there. The focus is on three expressions of our hearts to God: praising Him, thankfulness, and confessions of the heart. In each prayer, you are praying God’s Word back to Him.  

If you enjoy this, please pass it on to a friend and share the hope we have found in Christ, our most intimate relationship we will ever have.

Day One
Praising Him
Psalms  34, 100, 136,145  

Surely the righteous will praise your name and the upright will live before you. Psalm 140:13

Father, your greatness is beyond understanding. You are a compassionate God full of unfailing love. 

You lift me up when I am carrying heavy burdens and are always close to me whenever I call your name. I can lay all my

 fears at your feet, and you free me from them. When my heart is breaking and my spirit is crushed, you comfort me. With

 deep respect and honor I call your name; you hear me and supply all my needs. You not only save me for all eternity, but 

you save me from myself each day. My heart is overflowing with gladness, for you have created me and I am yours. Your 

love for me will never end. You are the God of the miracles in scripture, and you are still doing miracles today in my life 

[List them.] You recognize my weaknesses and save me from the enemies of life that surround me and attack me from 

within. Your endless love never fails. Your greatness is beyond any discovery ever made. You are kind and merciful, 

slow to get angry and full of unfailing love. You shower compassion on all your creation. Lord you are faithful and 

gracious in all you do. When I am bent beneath a load of worry, my eyes look to you and you are there for me, reassuring 

me and protecting me. I will praise you, Lord, as long as I live.
[Thank him now for specific ways he has comforted you in difficult times.]

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