Memorial weekend my sister and I, along with my family, moved my mom and dad into a small townhouse in a retirement community back home. We boxed and packed, carried and loaded up, then unloaded and unpacked . The first two hours go by and we successfully have moved Mom’s closet. After making a pact with my sister never to buy Mom clothes ever again, we move on to the next task.
Like two children, we are vying for our mothers’s approval, trying to make our mom happy and our dad comfortable. Second to this task is trying not to say anything which we will regret later. For reasons I have yet to understand, guilt plagues us like an impending disease. Outwardly, our goal is to completely move them safely to their new home, but inwardly we desperately just want to please our parents.
I guess you never stop being someone’s child, and way down deep, even at the age of 50, we still want to make our mom proud of us! I am blessed to be part of an earthly family that is rich with love. Not every woman out there can say that. Many women I have spoken to over the years bear scars of the pain of feeling unloved by one or both of their parents. Wounds like that are hard to heal.
We can all rejoice in the fact that we are also daughters in our spiritual family and unlike the families that we may have been born into, we never have to try to win our Heavenly Father’s approval. He loves us infinitely more than we know how to love!
And because you Gentiles have become his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, and now you can call God your dear Father. Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, everything he has belongs to you. Galatians 4:6-7
You two are very loving, caring daughters and I pray that your parents will be happy and safe in their new home. I also hope the food is good!