I heard the joy in his voice, the news was not just good....it was great.
Something we have been worried about for years is now finally ended, and ended well. The joy we are experiencing now has come out of a great deal of worry, pain, and fear.
If I look back on my life, I can see that most of my happiest times came out of times of pain. My friend says some of her greatest memories can be traced back to the last few months of her sons life before cancer finally took him at the age of 14.
Is pain our enemy or the opportunity to experience greater happiness?
No one will ask for the gift of pain this Christmas but until we have been through extreme periods of pain, we cannot go to Christ with extreme gratefulness. We may find our greatest purposes out of our greatest pain.
And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20
"Thank you, Lord, for the pain."
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